MS/SE Program Overview
The graduate program leading to the Master of Science in Systems
Engineering (MSSE) prepares students for a professional career in systems
design, development, and management, associated with problem formulation,
issue analysis, and the evaluation of alternative courses of action. The
program emphasizes both analytical and practical aspects of engineering complex
systems. Students are expected to demonstrate proficiency in several quantitative
modeling disciplines. Students are also expected to master issues relevant
to practical aspects of systems design, engineering and management. The program
also prepares students for careers in research and development and for pursuing
advanced graduate study leading to the Ph.D. degree in Systems Engineering and Operations Research.
To earn the master of science degree, students must complete an approved Plan of Study. This Plan of Study must include five core courses, three electives in a concentration area, one methods course that is applicable to the concentration, and a systems engineering project. The Plan of Study must include 30 semester hours of graduate-level course work.
Matriculation requirements for candidates needing additional work in mathematics or engineering will also be included in the plan of study.