�� SYST680/OR683/ECE670: Principles of C3I
������������������������������������ Fall2007

Instructor: Dr. K. C. Chang����������������������������� Class room: RschI 201

Class time: Wed, 7:20~10:00 PM������������������������ Office hours: Wed, 3:00~5:00 PM

Office phone: (703) 993-1639����������������������������� Office no.: SITE-II: Rm 315

Email: [email protected]������������� ������� http://ite.gmu.edu/~kchang/course/syst680.htm


Course Description


This course provides a broad introduction to fundamental principles of Command, Control, Communication, and Intelligence (C3I).The principles and techniques are applicable to a wide range of civilian and military situations.Modeling and simulation of combat operations are discussed.The sensing, fusion, and situation assessment processes are studied in details.Optimal decision making rules are derived.The concepts of C3 architectures are discussed.Tools to evaluate and design C3 systems such as queuing theory are developed.�� Prerequisite:ECE528 or equivalent.


Course Assignments and Grading


This course will have homework assignments, a take-home mid term, a take-home final exam, and a term project.They will constitute 25%, 25%, 25%, and 25% of the grade, respectively.The homework that is assigned in a unit is due in two weeks.


Course Materials

There is no required text.Supplementary readings will be assigned from handouts and additional references.

Course Outline




Unit #1

Introduction, Course Overview and Prerequisite, C3 Concept and Fundamentals

Class notes

Unit #2

Target Detection, Tracking, and Identification

Class notes

Unit #3

Target Detection, Tracking, and Identification (con�t)

Class notes

Unit #4

Data Fusion, Situation Assessment

Class notes

Uni #5

Data Fusion, Situation Assessment, Bayesian Networks

Class notes

Unit #6

Decision Making

Class notes


Mid term Examination

Units 1-6

Unit #7

Decision Making (con�t)

Class notes

Unit #8

Combat Modeling

Class notes

Unit #9

Combat Modeling (con�t)

Class notes


C4ISR Architectures

Class notes


Queuing Theory and Applications

Class notes


Queuing Theory and Applications (con�t)

Class notes


Project Presentations


Final Examination

Units 1-12