Instructor: Dr.
George L. Donohue
Lecture: Robinson
Time: MW
Office Hours: Monday
����������������������� Wednesday
TA - Matt Fischl
office hours:� M� (17.5 Mbyte pdf file)
Objective:� Systems 490/495, together, provide the Capstone experience to the Systems Engineering undergraduate program.� In addition to providing students the opportunity to utilize the systems engineering processes (e.g. requirements determination, work-breakdown structures, Pert Charts, test and evaluation, life cycle costing, etc.) it requires them to use their analytical skills in system modeling, simulation and decision making.� SYST 495 places the primary emphasis on conducting trade-off analysis.� Emphasis in these courses is also placed on written and verbal communication skill development and the creative process of engineering design.� The students are asked to determine whether a Business Case exits for their designs in the Final Report that they submit in early May.� Students are required to manage a complex, unstructured project using the management and teamwork skills that they have developed.� The class has been divided into seven project teams, each working on a real problem.�� Each student MUST maintain a personal log of all design activity, to be inspected upon demand.� Each student MUST submit a weekly time sheet to their team timekeeper.� This team timesheet is to be submitted to Dr. Donohue monthly (via e-mail) and is open for discussion at all major program reviews as part of the EVM review.� All teams will be entered into inter-scholastic senior design competitions at the end of this semester.�
Grading:� Each student�s final grade will be determined as follows:
30% Team
Individualized Mid Term Exam
30% Final Project report (written)
25% Faculty / Sponsor Evaluation of Team Presentation
10% Team Project productivity self evaluation
5% Timesheets/Notebooks
January 23. Review Spring Semester Schedule
January 25. Application deadline for Spring FE Exam Feb 10
January 30.
Detailed CP and EVM Presentations (3 teams)*
Feb. 1. submit UVA
abstracts for review prior to Feb 3 submission deadline
Feb. 6. Detailed CP and EVM Presentations (3 teams)
�Feb. 8. Detailed CP and EVM Presentations
(1 team) Detailed Critical Path Interim
Report due
Feb. 13. Detailed
Presentation on Simulation and Analysis Status (1&2)*
Feb. 15. Detailed Presentation on Simulation and Analysis Status (3&4)
Feb. 20. Detailed
Presentation on Simulation and Analysis Status (5&6)
Feb 22. Detailed Presentation on Simulation and Analysis Status (7)
Feb. 27.
Individual team discussions should be scheduled (UVA pass back due)
March 1. Detailed Presentation on Simulation and Analysis Status � 1,2,3
March 6. Detailed Presentation on Simulation and Analysis Status � 4,5,6
March 8. Detailed
Presentation on Simulation and Analysis Status - 7
March 12-19 Spring
March 20. Mid Term
Exam Discussion and Preparation
March 22. Mid Term Exam
March 27-29. Individual team work April 7 UVA registration deadline.
April 3. MTE Pass-Back.� UVA paper to Donohue for final review prior to submission
April 5. �UVA paper pass-back for final changes (April 7 registration deadline)
April 10. UVA Manuscript sent to UVA for peer review
April 10. Individual team discussions of project status
April 12. Individual team discussions of project status
April 17. USMA Abstract due for review and submission
April 19. DRY RUN for
UVA presentation
April 24. DRY RUN for UVA presentation
April 26. DRAFT Final
Report due for internal review
April. 28 UVA Conference
May 1.� Reports submitted for
Faculty and Sponsor evaluation, Final Presentations to Faculty and Sponsors,
senior graduation lunch
May 3. �leave for USMA at
May 4. USMA Conference
May 5. Return from USMA (back by
May 15. Course and Team Final Evaluation, Lessons Learned (
* presentation order: 1=Team G; 2=B; 3=A; 4=F; 5=C; 6=D;