George Mason University
School of Information Technology and Engineering
Department of Systems Engineering and Operations Research
Fall 2004 SYST513-001-72310
Total Systems Engineering, Reengineering and Enterprise Integration
7:20 pm - 10:00 pm Wednesdays - Krug Hall 242
Aug 30, 2004 - Dec 20, 2004

Professor: Dr. Tan N. Nguyen
Telephone: (703) 993-1670
E-mail: [email protected]
Office Hours: By appointment
Home Page:

Course Description:  Prerequisite: SYST 510 or SYST 520.
Principles of strategic quality, including TQM. Quality standards including ISO9000 and 14000.
  Organizational leadership, cultures, and process maturity, reengineering. Quality, organization learning and reengineering approaches to enable information integration and management and environment and framework integration in the systems engineering of knowledge intensive systems. Emphasis is placed on the role of integrated product and process design teams, standard and commercial off the shelf products in enterprise integration. Architecture driven system characteristics are studied, as is transition management of legacy systems. Case studies of some current U.S. Federal governmental or commercial enterprises are presented. In addition, the professor will present topics related to "real-life" enterprise architecture, enterprise integration, systems engineering, enterprise engineering, and some practical issues with solutions from his experience in large scale systems development, operating systems, data communications, computer networks, and distributed systems integration.

Honor Code
Honor Code procedures will be strictly adhered. Students are required to be familiar with the honor code. You must not utilize unauthorized material or consultation in responding to your tests, homework, and assignments.  There are several web sites that publish homework solutions, project assignment programs, etc.  Numerous professors used the homework solutions from the textbook as their standard grading keys and also published the solutions on the Internet.  You may use those solutions as references but you are not allowed to copy them.  Violations of the honor code will be reported. Obvious honor code violations (exact copy of work, etc) will be graded as 0/100 (zero percent).


Grades: 20% - Midterm, 30% Final, 30% - project & presentation, 20% - home assignments. Two take home exams will be given, one approximately at the middle of the semester and one at the end of the semester.  There will be a term paper assignment on total systems engineering, including a written report and a seven-minute oral presentation, and weekly assignments.
The following table is used to convert the final numerical grade to a letter grade:

Grade G 

 Letter Grade


A+ or A
[92,96)    A- 
[87,92)     B+ 





[0, 50) 


IMPORTANT NOTEIt requires an exceptionally challenging performance to earn 92% or greater

Tentative Detailed Schedule  – Fall 2004:

1.  September 1:  Lecture 1 - Course overview, administrative matters, and introduction (Ref. textbook Ch.1) - HW 1
2.  September 8 and 15:  Lectures 2 and 3 - System engineering life cycles (Ref. textbook ch. 2). HW 2
3.  September 22, 29, and October 6:  Lectures 4 and 5 .Strategic quality assurance and management practices and trends (Ref. ch. 6).
     HW 3 on Oct 6.
4. October 20 and 27: Lecture 6 and 7. Organizational leadership, cultures, and process maturity - Six Sigma (Ref. textbook ch. 7)
5. November 3: Midterm - Research topics release. HW 4 release.
6. Nov. 10 and Nov 17   Lecture 8 -  Business process reengineering (Ref. textbook ch. 8) HW 5
7. Dec. 1: Lecture 9 - Topics in Enterprise Integration - HW6
8. Dec. 8 :  Term paper presentations/reports
9. Dec 15 - Final exam
Note: Oct 13 and Nov 24: No class (Columbus and Thanksgiving Recesses)