SYST611: System Methodology and Modeling

Spring�� 2003


����������� Instructor: Dr. K. C. Chang��������������������� Class room:ST 110

�� �������� Class time: Tu, 4:30-7:00 PM��������������������� Office hours: M, Tu, 3:00-4:30 PM

�� �������� Office phone: (703) 993-1639�������������������� Office no.: SITE-II: Rm 315

����������� Email: [email protected]

Course Description


����������� This course provides a broad, yet rigorous, introduction to methodologies for Systems Engineering.Emphasis is on systems modeling and performance.These methodologies address system performance issues and assist in the evaluation of alternative system designs.Resource allocation for planning and control is also introduced.




����������� SYST500 or appropriate mathematical foundation including calculus, differential equations, matrix algebra, and applied probability.


Course Assignments and Grading

���� ������ This course will have homework assignments, a mid term, and a final exam.They will constitute 30%, 30%, and 40% of the grade, respectively.The homework that is assigned in the lecture is due in two weeks.��


Required texts

1.David Luenberger, Introduction to Dynamic Systems, Wiley,1979.

2.     Joseph J. DiStefano, III, et al.Theory and Problems of Feedback and Control ��� Systems. 2rd Edition, Schaum's outline series, McGraw-Hill, 1994



1. Bradley W. Dickinson, Systems-Analysis, Design, and Computation. Prentice Hall Inc., 1991

2. Naim A. Kheir, Systems Modeling and Computer Simulation, Dekker, 2nd ed., 1996.



Course Outline





Lecture #1

Introduction, Course Overview and Prerequisite, Taxonomy of Models and Methods, Systems Concept andFundamentals

DL:Ch. 1-3

JD:Ch. 1-3, Class notes

BD:Ch. 1 + Appendix A

Lecture #2

Discrete Linear Systems, Input-Output and States, Stability, Computational Approaches,

Interconnected Systems and Block Diagram

DL:Ch. 4.1-4.5

JD:Ch. 4-6, Class notes

BD:p.79-98, p.115-119

Lecture #3

Continuous Linear Systems, Stability Issues,

Systems Characteristics in Various Domains,

Discretization of Continuous Systems,

Sampling Theorem

DL:Ch. 4.6-4.7, 5.9

JD:Ch. 5,10,15

Class notes

Lecture #4

Discretization Techniques Analysis, Stability,

Nonlinear Systems, Solution of Nonlinear Systems, Iterated Numerical methods

Class notes

JD:Ch. 19.1-2

BD:Ch. 3, 4

Lecture #5

System Linearization and Stability,

System Behavior and Phase Plane Analysis,�� Input-Output Analysis; Piece wise Linear

DL:Ch. 9.1-9.4

JD:Ch. 19.3-4

Class notes

Lecture #6

Discrete Event Dynamic Systems; Overview of Deterministic Systems, Discrete, Continuous; Linear, Nonlinear; Discretization, Linearization; Stability; Computational Issues

Class notes

Mid term Examination

Lectures 1-6

Lecture #7

Introduction to Uncertainty and Stochastic Process, Noisy Linear Systems

Class notes

Lecture #8

Markov Process and Markov Chains,

Systems Reliability

DL:Ch. 7

Class notes

Lecture #9

Resource Allocation problems, Parameter Optimization, Constraints

Class notes

BD:Ch. 5

Lecture #10

Linear Programming, Systems Engineering Applications, Case Study

Class notes

Lecture #11

Dynamic Programming, Systems Engineering Applications, Network Problem

Class notes

Lecture #12

Optimal Control

DL:Cph. 11, Class notes


Course Review

Class notes��

Final Examination

Lectures 1-12