Professor: |
Dr. Peggy Brouse |
Work Phone: |
(703) 993-1502 (with voice mail) |
FAX: |
(703) 993-1706 |
E-mail: |
Office: |
GMU:� Science and Technology II - Room 317 |
Office Hours: |
Wednesdays� |
Course Description: |
During this course, the Systems Definition phase of the Systems Development Life Cycle will be explored.� This phase of the systems engineering effort includes such activities as requirement elicitation, problem analysis, system specification, and system cost estimation.� Lectures concerning these topics will be given by the instructor and will be supported by the listed texts.� Students will be tested to ensure understanding of material contained within the lectures and the texts.� Additionally, students will gain practical knowledge concerning this subject by participating in a group project to create a System Requirement Specification (SRS) and cost model of the system to be developed.� |
Course Hours: |
Wednesday� |
Text: |
Requirements Engineering Processes & Techniques (1998) Ian Sommerville and Gerald Kotonya. John Wiley and Sons ISBN 0-471-97208-8 |
Grades: |
50% - group project |
25% - midterm |
25% - final |
Group Project
The Group Project is the focal point of student effort within this course.� Although groups may be able to meet during class time occasionally, the majority of effort toward the group projects will be expended outside of class.� There will be groups of several people self-formed during the first meeting of the class.� Each group will have two roles: User Group and Requirement Group.�
Beginning User Group Activities:� As a user, the group will formulate a Statement of Work (SOW) that they will pass to their �mate group� (week 2 - 5).� Mate groups will be assigned after the SOW is completed (week 6).�
Beginning Requirement Group Activities:� Each group will exchange their SOW with their assigned mate group (week 6).� The SOW that they receive from their mate group will form the basis for their role as a Requirement Group.� In this role, they will
� study the SOW they have received,
� elicit requirements from the mate group to develop a Systems Requirement Specification (SRS) including problem analysis and system definition models (week 6 - 9),
� run cost models and document their final SRS (week 10 - 13).�
Each member of the group will be required to run a different cost model (e.g. COCOMO2, SoftEst, etc.).� This individual run of the model will constitute the second test for the course.� The final analysis of the cost models will be a comparison of the individual models with a determination by the group of the final estimation they submit.� Their mate group will be doing these same functions with the SOW they receive.�
Ending User Group Activities:� After completion of the SRS and cost models, the mate groups will again exchange documents: the SRS and Cost Model document (week 13).� In the User Group role, each group will evaluate the products of their mate group (weeks 13 - 15).� A recommended evaluation strategy will be given to you.
Ending Requirement
Group Activities:� At the end of the
semester, each group will present their work including the SRS and Cost Models
(weeks 13 - 15).� On week 15 groups will
be required to hand in their final package to the professor including:
� original annotated SOW they wrote,
� preliminary annotated SRS,
� final SRS,
� group Cost Model evaluation, and
� evaluation of Mate Group SRS and Cost Models.�
In addition, each person in class will be required to do an evaluation of the other members of their group. The format of this is contained in a separate handout.� This evaluation will be private.� It should be included in a sealed envelope with student signature across flap as part of the final package.
Two exams:� The first will be in-class and will cover Systems Definition.� The second will be a take home consisting of individual running of cost models.
Week 1> |
22 January |
Introductions �
Groups:� Form Groups, Work on SOW |
Week 2> |
29 January |
� Lecture: Requirements Engineering
Processes [Sommerville Chapters 1, 2] � Groups:� Work on SOW |
Week 3> |
5 February |
� Lecture: Requirements Elicitation, Analysis,Validation [Sommerville
Chapters 3, 4] � Groups:� Work on SOW |
Week 4> |
12 February |
� Lecture: Requirements Management,
Methods [Sommerville Chapters 5, 6] � Groups: SOW (soft and hardcopy) due to professor |
Week 5> |
19 February |
� Presentation
by past students of SYST510 - from Fall 2002 � Groups: SOW returned; Mate Group
assignments given; Bring copy of SOW
to class to give to your Mate Group |
Week 6> |
26 February |
� Lecture: Viewpoint-oriented
Requirements, Non-Functional Requirements [Sommerville Chapters 7, 8] |
Week 7> |
5 March |
� Lecture: Interactive System
Specification, Case Study [Sommerville Chapters 9, 10] � Groups: Requirements elicitation
& SRS writing |
Week 8> |
12 March |
� Spring
break:� No Class |
Week 9> |
19 March |
� In-class
Test Number 1 (covers Sommerville) |
Week 10> |
26 March |
� Lecture: Cost Modeling � Groups: Preliminary
SRS due to professor (soft and
hardcopy) |
Week 11> |
2 April |
� Guest Lecture: Mathias Eifert demonstration of cost models to be used in the class assignment � Groups:� Preliminary SRS returned; SRS revision and cost models � Final Test Sheet handed to students |
Week 12> |
9 April |
� Guest Lecture: Dennis Ruane, Army Cost Analysis Agency |
Week 13> |
16 April |
� Professor at Conference; no class |
Week 14> |
23 April |
Take-home Test Number 2 (covers Cost Modeling) � Groups: Exchange SRS and cost models with Mate Group; final presentation preparation and evaluation of mate group SRS & cost models � Individual Cost Models due (hard copy only) |
Week 15> |
30 April |
group presentations of final SRS and cost model |
Week 16> |
7 May |
� Student group presentations of final SRS and cost model � Group Deliverables Due:� to include SOW and Evaluation for each project from Users Group as well as SRS, Cost Model, and Final SRS for each project from Requirements Group |