SYST 495 Senior System Design Project (Spring 2003)


Instructor: Dr. George L. Donohue

Office: Rm 121 S&T II

Lecture: TR 09:00-10:15, Science and Tech II Rm. 15

Lab: Rm 16 Central Module

Office Hours: Tuesday and Thursday 13:00 to 16:00


Suggested Text: NA


Objective:These two courses, together, provide the Capstone experience to the Systems Engineering undergraduate program.It provides the students with the opportunity to put all of the course material that you have covered in the last 4 years into practice.It also provides the faculty with the opportunity to test your ability to have assimilated the course material and certify that you are ready to receive the Bachelor of Science degree in Systems Engineering.In addition to providing you the opportunity to utilize the systems engineering processes (e.g. requirements determination, work-breakdown structures, Pert Charts, test and evaluation, life cycle costing, etc.) it will require you to use your analytical skills in system modeling, simulation and decision making.Emphasis in these courses will also be placed on written and verbal communication skill development and the creative process of engineering design.You now have the basic skills that should allow you to create new systems that are technically sound, affordable, environmentally compatible and safe.You are required to manage a complex, unstructured project using the management and teamwork skills that you have developed.The class is divided into four project teams, each working on a real transportation problem.You MUST submit a weekly time sheet to your team timekeeper to be submitted at all major program reviews.All teams will be entered into inter-scholastic senior design competitions at the end of the Spring Semester, two teams will present their designs to an INCOSE meeting at GMU.


Design Projects:


A.Design and Test an Airport Slot Auctioning System.The System should provide only for the long-term strategic auctions.

The saturation of the commercial Hub and Spoke air transportation system is leading the Department of Transportation and the Department of Justice to consider auctioning time slots at major US airports.The air transportation network is a complex adaptive system that exhibits strong non-linear behavior.The Federal government has overall responsibility to maintain a safe and efficient air transportation system.The airlines must maintain financial viability and invest in capital resources to purchase and operate a fleet of aircraft.Since the 1978 deregulation of the airline industry, the airlines determine their schedule.National investment in airport infrastructure has not kept up with the demand for air transportation.Consider using the 10 airport network and Multi-round IP developed by graduate students last semester.


B.GMU Campus Parking Slot Auctioning System:

The parking and traffic congestion problem at GMU has been of concern for several years.Transportation officials of the university are interested in innovative solutions to help mitigate this problem.You are being asked to design an improved university parking and campus transportation information system. You should consider the design alternatives created in last years design class. You must evaluate the current problem, peak traffic loads, parking concentrations and student traffic patterns.You must evaluate the number and location of the current parking facilities, the nature of the parking facilities, the current space allocation policies, future growth trends, revenue neutral solutions, etc. and design a computer (web based) student, faculty and staff annual auctioning system to optimally allocate parking space at GMU main campus.��� Simulation and testing/evaluation will be emphasized this semester. Prof. Karla Hoffman and Prof.Rassenti (Econ) are potential resources for this design effort.


C. 4-D Ribbon En-route Sector Design and Evaluation.

An MIT/SJSU/GMU proposal to NASA/Ames is to structure the airspace into four-dimensional ribbons connecting the major cities of the US.Using the real-time flight data of all FAA controlled aircraft available to the Transportation Lab, select the city pairs for these tubes and simulate the traffic flows through them assuring at least 3 mile separation enroute and 90 second separation at the arrival city.Consider using the TAAM model between ORD and JFK/LGA/EWR and IAD/BWI/Wash National for the evaluation.


D. Low Altitude Sector Design with Digital Data Link Constraints.

With the rapid growth of business travel using general aviation aircraft, the number of low occupancy vehicles in the air may overwhelm the current air traffic control system.It has been proposed that new technology may allow these aircraft to self-separate.These aircraft do not fly structured routes that are repeatable on a daily basis and thus cannot be accommodated in the 4 D ribbon sector designs addressed in Design C.This random direction system is limited by the TIS/FIS and automatic conflict detection and avoidance system on each aircraft.It is proposed that a 6,000 foot corridor be established between 13,000 and 19,000 feet for these aircraft.Design the digital communication system cell configuration for all GA air traffic in the US airspace.Compare the sector designs using two differentcommunication systems (a TDMA VDL-4 data link design and a broadband UAT design proposed by the MITRE Corp.).


Program Schedule:


Those students who did not present the Proposal at the end of SYST 490 will give the Final Presentation to the Faculty.Project presentations in inter-collegiate competitions and to INCOSE will be given by the team�s best available presenter.Each student will be graded upon his/her presentation ability.The final Project Report will be graded for writing style and completeness.The total project grade will represent a sizable portion of each student�s final grade.In addition, each student will be ranked by each team member for total contribution to the program outcome.


January 21.Discuss Semester Expectations and Efforts over Winter Break.

January 23. Christine Harriger Career and Job Interview Counselor presentation.

January 28. Informal Meetings with Teams to discuss Leadership and Personnel

����������� Issues.

January 30.Each Team present a Detailed Critical Path Interim Deliverable

���������� Schedule for the Spring Semester.

February 4. Each Team present a Detailed EVM projection keyed to the interim

Deliverables identified in the CP presentation. Submit revised SYST 490

Final report

February 6. Team A discusses Simulation and Detailed Analysis Plan.

February 11.Team B discuss Simulation and Detailed Analysis Plan

February 13.Team C discuss Simulation and Detailed Analysis Plan

February 20. Team D discuss Simulation and Detailed Analysis Plan

February 25. Team A Detailed Status Report with EVM Presentation

February 27. Team B Detailed Status Report with EVM Presentation

March 4. Team C Detailed Status Report with EVM Presentation

March 6. Team D Detailed Status Report with EVM Presentation

March 11 & 13. SPRING BREAK

March 18. Team A Analysis Presentation

March 20. Team B Analysis Presentation

March 25. Team C Analysis Presentation

April 1 . Team D Analysis Presentation

April 3.First Dry Run Presentations Teams A and B, submit draft final report.

April 10.First Dry Run Presentations Teams C and D, submit draft final report.

April 15. A and B Teams Present an EVM status report, all Teams submit UVA

papers (format attached as last years call for papers and author instructions)

April 17. C and D Teams Present an EVM status report

April 22. Final Dry Run Presentations Teams W and X,

11:00 to 13:00 INCOSE Mtg. (Class will nominate I will select two Briefings to be given)

April 24. Final Dry Run Presentations Teams Y and Z

April 29. Submit Final Reports for Faculty Evaluations. Course and Team Self

Evaluations. Auction Teams will present to Econ Department.

May 2(Friday). Final Presentations

May 7-9 USMA Capstone Conference and Competition (abstract format attached)


Grading:Each student�s final grade will be determined as follows

40% Project Proposal and Final Project papers and reports (written)

20% Team Project Productivity self evaluation

30% Faculty evaluation of final presentations

10% Individual effort as measured by the instructor



2002 IEEE Systems and Information Engineering Design Symposium

University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA

Friday, 26 April 2002


DUE DATE:Wednesday, 17 April 2002


This author kit is provided to aid you in preparing your paper for publication in the Proceedings, which will be distributed at the Symposium.PLEASE FOLLOW THE INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY.


Please direct inquiries regarding the Proceedings to K. Preston White, Jr., Capstone Coordinator, Department of Systems Engineering, Thornton Hall, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA 22904-7474.Phone:(804)982-2070,FAX: (804)982-2972, E-mail: [email protected]



I.��������� General Requirements

  1. Approvals
  2. Page limits
  3. Multiple papers

II.������� What to Submit

  1. Electronic Manuscript
  2. Paper Manuscript
  3. Copyright Transfer Agreement
  4. Poster

III.������ Formatting Your Paper

  1. Example layout
  2. Pages
  3. Margins
  4. Text
  5. Headings
  6. Footnotes
  7. References
  8. Page numbering and paper identification
  9. Tables and illustrations
  10. Biographies

IV.           Presenting Your Paper

  1. Introduction
  2. Preparation of presentation
  3. Visual aids
  4. Timing
  5. Speaker attitude and spontaneity
  6. Deviations from guidelines

V.������� Examples of Keywords

VI.������ Copyright Transfer Agreement

VII.����� Example Layout




A.APPROVALS � Your work must be approved before publication by your Faculty Advisor and cleared by your client or sponsor.Please allow ample time to insure that the review and approval process is completed by the due date above, or we will not be able to include your paper in the conference Proceedings.If the paper is not approved by that date, you can discuss the possibility of presenting your work as a late paper with your Faculty Advisor.Please do not submit any materials until the review and approval process is completed.Papers received after the due date cannot be published in the Proceedings.


B.PAGE LIMITS � The limit for manuscripts is six (6) pages, including figures, tables, references, and biographies.A maximum of two additional pages will be accepted with the approval of your faculty advisor.Manuscripts exceeding the page limit will be returned to the authors.


C.MULTIPLE PAPERS � If you cannot report important aspects of your project adequately within the six-page limit, consider preparing a second paper for inclusion in the Proceedings.Additional papers must stand on their own as complete publications.Only one half-hour time slot will be allotted for each team's oral presentation, regardless of the number of papers submitted.


D.A/V EQUIPMENT � Meeting rooms will be furnished with overhead projection systems for PowerPoint presentations..Please learn to operate the audio-visual equipment that will be available for your use at the conference. If you require any additional equipment, please consult with Gavin Milner ([email protected]) well in advance of the conference date.




A.ELECTRONIC MANUSCRIPT � A file containing your manuscript as a MSWord document in the exact format required for the Proceedings paper.Name the file �XXclient�, where �XX� is your project number and �client� is the name of your client.Drop this file in the folder named �proceedings� located on Se-ntnet under\\lisa\captone \\lisa\capstone on SE-NTNET. The Proceedings will be produced from these files.


BPAPER MANUSCRIPT � One printed copy of your manuscript on standard 8 1/2" x 11" sheets of high-quality bond paper in the exact format required for the Proceedings paper. .Submit to K. Preston White, Jr., Capstone Coordinator.


C.TRANSFER OF COPYRIGHT FORM � Execute the copyright transfer to the Department of Systems Engineering at the University of Virginia.Please note that by signing the form you are simply giving your permission to the Department to publish the paper. For this reason, there is no problem if the material is already in the public domain, such as work done with government support. The Department controls the commercial use of material we publish, while you or your clients retain the right to reuse the work, in whole or in part.Submit to K. Preston White, Jr., Capstone Coordinator.



Instructions for preparing a poster for your project are posted separately on the Capstone homepages.




A.EXAMPLE LAYOUT � Please follow the example paper (Appendix) for guidelines on margins, layout style, etc.Proofread your submission and make sure it is free from all spelling and typographical errors.


B.PAGES � Use 8 1/2 x 11' pages, portrait layout, with two columns to a page.


C.MARGINS � Top 1", bottom 1.50", left 0.75", right 0.75", gutter 0.25".Header 0.5" and footer 0.5" from edges.(Leave header and footer blank.)


D.TEXT � Text should be in 10-point, Times New Roman font.Left-justify with a ragged right edge (not be right justified on the right).Single-space with double spacing between paragraphs and a 5-space paragraph indentation.The title and author information should be centered.





Section containing the title of the paper and author information should be in single column format.Each line should be centered on the page horizontally.Type the title on the first line in boldface capital letters, 12-point Times New Roman font.Space down two lines, then type in 10-point font "Student team:" followed on the same line by the name of each of the student team members (first name first) in alphabetical order.Space down one line, then type "Faulty Advisor(s):" followed on the same line by the name or names of each of your faculty advisors.Include each advisor's departmental affiliation.Space down one line, then type "Client Advisor(s):" followed on the same line by the name or names of each of your client advisors.Include contact information for the principle client (i.e., company name, division, postal address, e-mail address).



Begin each paper with a list of no more than five keywords.Keyword paragraph should start in the left column, approximately 2 lines below the author address.Type "KEYWORDS:" in 10-point boldface, followed by the keyword list.Use the list of �Example Keywords," as your guide.



After Keyword Listing, begin each paper with an abstract (100-200 words) that summarizes the topic and important results presented in the paper.Start with the abstract heading, typed in 10-point boldface caps, beginning with the left-hand margin.Skip a line space, then begin the abstract.



Type in 10-point boldface capitals, beginning flush with left-hand margin.Skip a line space, then begin text.



Capitalize the first letter of each word, beginning flush with left-hand margin.Use 10-point boldface type. Skip a line space, then begin text.


Secondary Subheadings. Capitalize the first letter of each word. Indent 5 spaces from the left-hand margin. Underline or bold. Text follows on the same line.



Use footnotes sparingly, if at all. Begin two line spaces from previous text by typing a short horizontal line, using the underscore key 13 times. Skip 1/2 or one line space, type footnote number, then type footnote.



In text, references should be cited by the last name of the author and the year of publication, all in parentheses. The Reference List should be organized alphabetically by the name of the author, followed by the author�s initials, year of publication, and other complete information about the published work. It should not be numbered. Only references that may be readily obtained should be cited in the list. Others may be referred to as �personal communication� in the text. In the reference list, multiple entries with the same author are arranged chronologically. Italicize the name of the publication in which the article is found, or the title itself if a separate publication.For laboratory, company, or government reports, all information on how to obtain the report should be included. For Ph.D. and M.S. theses, the institutions granting the degree should be given. References to proceedings should include the full name of the proceedings, how to obtain it, year of publication, and page numbers of article cited. A reference to part of a book should include the range of pages in which the material is cited. Names of periodicals should be written out in full, and the range of pages cited.For style and consistency, The Chicago Manual of Style will govern.




(Smith 1978)

(Jones and Miller 1983)

(Arthur et al. 1985) if more than three authors

(Andrews 1982a) a trailing lowercase letter should distinguish multiple papers by the same author(s) published during a single year.

(Dijkstra 1972; Hoare et al. 1980; Smith and Kim 1984b)




Balci, O. and R.G. Sargent. 1981. �A Methodology for Cost-Risk Analysis in the Statistical Validation of Simulation Models.� Communications of the ACM 24, no. 4 (Apr.): 191-197.



Felker, D.B.; F. Pickering; V.R. Charrow; V.M. Holland; and W.L. Harper. 1980. Data Processing Documentation: Standards, Procedures and Applications. Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, N.J.



Balci, O. and R.G. Sargent. 1983. �Validation of Multivariate Response Trace-Driven Simulation Models.� In Performance �83, A.K. Agrawalla and S.K. Tripathi, eds. North Holland, Amsterdam, 309-323.




Gass, S.I. 1978. �Computer Model Documentation.� In Proceedings of the 1978 Winter Simulation Conference (Miami Beach, FL, Dec.4-6). IEEE,Piscataway, N.J., 281-287.



National Bureau of Standards. 1976. Guidelines for Documentation of Computer Programs and Automated Data Systems. Federal Information Processing Standards Publication 38. Government Printing Office,Washington, D.C. (Feb.).



Balci, O. 1985. �Guidelines for Successful Simulation Studies.�Technical Report TR-85-2. Department of Computer Science, Virginia Tech,Blacksburg, Va. (Nov.).



Iglehart, D.L. and G.S. Shedler. 1983. �Simulation Output Analysis for Local Area Computer Networks.� Research Report RJ 4020 (45068). Research Division, IBM, San Jose, CA (Sept.).



Do not type page numbers or running headers or footers.These will be inserted by the publisher.



All artwork, figures, captions, graphs, and tables will be reproduced exactly as you submit these in your electronic manuscript.Insert these items in a fixed position in your paper and DO NOT float.In the interest of clarity and uniformity, graphs and tables should be kept within a single column, if possible. If not, extension across two columns is permissible.



Include a brief biography (no more than 100 words) for each of the student team members at the end of the manuscript. This allows the viewing and reading audience to become familiar with the background of the authors, thus giving the paper greater impact and validity.






The following guidelines are adapted from the SCS Speakers Instructions.These are not rigid rules, but you may find these helpful as you prepare your oral presentation for the Conference.



Good visual aids can greatly enhance the effect your presentation has on the audience. Experience at past conferences has shown that many of the oral presentations have not been adequately prepared. Often an attempt was made to present too much material and too much detail. Visual aids, the primary means to hold the attention of the audience, were often poorly conceived and inadequately prepared. It is our hope that these guidelines will help you prepare a better visual presentation.


SECC 99 plans call for the nominal session to run 75 minutes without a break and to include three papers. Allowing for introductions, this leaves 20+ minutes for the presentation of each paper, of which 5 minutes should be reserved for audience questions and comments.


Remeber, your entire paper is published in the Proceedings. Your objective in the oral presentation should be to describe the highlights of your paper, progress since the paper was written, and future plans.Do NOT try to present the paper in its entirety, or to read it!





The most significant constraint facing the speaker is the time limit for presentation. As described above, presentations are nominally allotted 20 minutes, followed by 5 minutes for questions and discussion. This allows time to speak about 2000 words -- far less than the size of a paper.


This time limit also restricts the number of concepts or major technical points that can be made by the speaker and absorbed by the audience. As a guideline, it is suggested that a presentation cover no more than 10 technical points.


Logically linked by the theme of the paper, each of these technical points can be expressed as a declarative statement, substantiated with supporting material. Though the selection of no more than 10 significant points may seem like a great hardship, it will enhance the audience appreciation of a paper by focusing on the most significant information.



The best way to present material in a limited time period is to use well-conceived visual aids that support each of the points to be made.As a first approximation, the speaker should plan for overhead foils or �viewing frames� for each of the 10 technical points to be presented.All rooms will be set up for overhead presentations.


Visual aids significantly simplify the presentation task. They simultaneously focus the audience attention and provide cues for the speaker. The speaker should plan to speak about all of the material on a foil (or it shouldn�t be there) before amplifying a single item.


In general, include no more than six supporting concepts on each foil presenting one technical point. If there are more, simply select the most pertinent. Remember once again, visual aids are not a complete reconstruction of the manuscript. The full story appears in the Proceedings and visual aids are only attention-focusing cues for the most interesting highlights.



A speaker can expect to speak about six sentences per overhead, which normally runs about 120 words or 1 to 1.5 spoken minutes. Since speaker will have ten overhead foils, the basic presentation will run ten minutes. This allows 5-10 minutes to title, identify, and summarize the basic material, recognizing that audience receptiveness peaks at the beginning and conclusion of each talk.



The primary advantage for the speaker who organizes his presentation in this manner is that she can approach the audience with the assurance that she can easily and effectively present the salient points in his paper.


Since the speaker is cued by his overhead foils, and since he certainly can speak to any of the technical points he has selected for at least one minute, the speaker no longer needs a written speech or even prepared notes. Thus, a measure of spontaneity can enter the technical presentations.



The Session Chairperson makes the final decisions regarding timing of presentations, subject to the constraint that all papers in the session must be completed within the time allotted.




The following has been adapted from the SCS Partial List of Frequently Used Keywords.This list is included solely to give you and idea of the kinds of keywords available to you.Select your own keywords that best fit your paper and do not feel limited to those found here.



Aerospace�� Agriculture�� Automatic controlBehavioral science�� Biology�� Business Chemical engineering�� Civil engineering�� CommunicationsComputer-aided design�� Computer aided manufacturing�� Computer performance�� Computer software�� Computer systemsControl systems�� Corporate planning�� Criminology�� Cybernetics�� Ecology�� Education�� Electrical engineering�� Electronics�� Energy�� Environmental science��� Finance�� Forestry�� Geophysics�� Government�� Graphics�� Health care�� Health sciences�� HydrologyImage processing�� Industrial controlIndustrial engineering�� Industrial processes�� Information systems�� Labor�� Management science�� Manufacturing�� Marine�� Marketing�� Mechanical engineering�� Military�� Natural resources�� Naval�� Neurosciences�� Nuclear engineering�� Operations research�� Pattern recognition�� Petroleum engineeringPharmacokinetic�� Physics�� Physiology�� Political science�� Production�� Psychology�� Resource ManagementSignal processing�� Social science�� Speech recognitionTelecommunications�� Test equipment�� ThermodynamicsTransportation�� Trainers�� Urban affairsVLSI and Simulation


MANAGEMENT AIDS�� Decision-making�� Decision support systems�� Forecasting�� Management games�� Policy-making�� Risk analysis



Data enrichment�� Differential equations�� Dynamic programming�� Error analysis�� EstimationFiltering�� Function generation�� Integration�� Least-squares methods�� Linear programming�� Mathematical programming�� Nonlinear programming�� Numerical methods�� Optimization�� random number generationRegression analysis�� Sampling�� Spectral analysisStatistical analysis�� Stiff equationsTime Series analysis�� Transforms



Computer-aided analysis�� Documentation Model acceptance�� Model analysis�� Model credibilityModel design�� Model evaluation�� Model testingModel transfer�� Software cost analysisSoftware engineering�� Software management�� StandardsName of model used:



Approximation techniques�� Arrival generationBond graphs�� Delphic techniques�� Model reductionParameter identification�� Performance analysisSensitivity analysis�� Truncation error�� ValidationVariance reduction�� Verification


SIMULATION METHODSCombined simulation�� Continuous simulationDiscrete simulation�� Emulation�� GamingHybrid simulation�� Interactive simulationMan-in-the-loop simulation�� Real-time simulationSystem dynamics



Database management systems�� Differential equation solversGraphics packages�� Interactive programsMicroprogramming�� Operating systems�� Program generatorsReport generators�� Statistical packages



System analysis�� System engineeringSystem identificationSystem management



Catastrophe�� General systems�� Philosophy



Compartmental�� Corporate�� Decision�� Deterministic�� Dynamic�� Econometric�� Event-oriented�� Feedback�� Global�� Grid�� Hierarchical�� Interactive�� Linear Lumped parameter�� Markov-chain�� Matrix�� Meta�� Microanalytic�� Monte Carlo�� National�� Network�� Nonlinear�� Qualitative�� Queuing�� Probabilistic�� Process-oriented�� Real-time�� Regional�� Stochastic�� Topological�� Vector�� World

7 to 9 May 2003

US Military Academy ABSTRACT �



Name of Project being presented at Capstone Conference



Cadet #1 Name

Cadet #2 Name

Cadet #3 Name

Cadet #4 - Name



LTC Buddy O�Mine


CLIENT:Insert name of Client, if applicable




Insert your Abstract � Attributes, as follows:1� line spacing, Times New Roman 12 w/1 inch margins.All abstracts should fit on one page.

Abstract must conform to this guidance or it will not be accepted.