IT 990: Dissertation Topic Presentation

IT 991: Engineer Project Presentation

Semester:�������� Spring 2003
Professor:������� Stephen Nash

The purpose of this seminar is to help you prepare a proposal for your research project and then to give you a chance to present your proposal for the comments of others (including students and faculty).This seminar carries one hour of graduate credit.

Course Schedule:

January 24: Organizational meeting.

February 14: Presentations of general topic areas

March 7: Presentations of background literature

March 28: Presentations of your research topic

April 18: Presentations of your research plan

May 7-15: Final presentations [schedule to be determined]


1.       During this semester you will work with your chosen faculty advisors in drafting a proposal.Your dissertation committee must approve your proposal.Toward the end of the semester, I will expect to have a copy of your proposal in advance of the date of your presentation in this seminar.You may also wish to meet with me during the semester to discuss your progress.

2.       In order to give everyone time to give a thorough and coherent presentation of a proposal, we will devote several 3-hour periods at the end of the semester.Plan on having about 30 minutes for your presentation, including about 10 minutes for questions from your audience.For credit in this seminar, you must attend at least two of these presentation sessions [in their entirety].During your attendance at a presentation made by someone else, you should be willing to ask constructive questions of this person.

3.       For the benefit of your audience, you must prepare copies of any slides/viewgraphs you intend to use during your presentation.

4.       The generation and drafting of a dissertation proposal is a joint effort involving you and your chosen committee.I would not wait until the last minute to get this process started.

Useful Reference Materials

Materials on the course web page.

Nicholas J. Higham, Handbook of Writing for the Mathematical Sciences, Second Edition, SIAM (Philadelphia), 1998.This can be ordered online from

GMU Dissertation and Thesis Web Guide: available online����