SYST 530/ TCOM 521
Telecommunications Management
��������� TCOM 500����� ����������
Term�������������������������� Spring, 2002
Time:�������������������������� 7: 20 PM to 10:00 PM
on Wednesdays
(6: 30 PM to 7.00 PM on Wednesdays
for meetings with students on an individual basis.� Please email in advance.
Meets: ���������� January 23- May 1������
Location:�������������������� TBD
Instructor:������������������� D.K.Sachdev
([email protected])���������������
The main objectives of this course are to learn modern
project management and system engineering principles and to apply them towards
the implementation of complex telecommunications systems.�� For the Spring 2002 class, the students
will actively participate in an interactive project for a modern satellite-based
system. They will first learn the basics of Project Management.� They will then grasp the programmatic
fundamentals as applied to satellite systems. Thereafter they will learn and
critique case histories for recently implemented systems.� In the final phase, they will do project
work in teams at the system-level, requirements definition, ground segment and
the space segment.�� In this project
work, the focus will be on system or sub-system definitions, real-world
procurement practices and methodologies, and sound management of time
Students are permitted and encouraged to collaborate on
homework and design project assignments.�
All graded work, however, must be the original effort of the student
submitting the paper.� This means that,
while two or more students can develop a solution approach for a homework
problem together, each student must independently execute the solution if it is
to be submitted for grading.� In the
case of the design project, it is encouraged that, while each student must
independently develop a response, students seek and provide comments for each
other�s approach.� This collaboration is
characteristic of the actual engineering design environment.
Students are not permitted to provide, seek, or accept
assistance or information for examination problems other than from their own
class notes, class handouts, or published written materials.� This policy is intended to include general
discussions of the theory and practice of satellite communications systems and
related topics during the period between when the examination is released to
the students and submitted to the instructor for grading.� Questions may be submitted to the instructor
during the examination periods but, depending on the question posed, may not be
answered.� If a student feels that
insufficient information is provided to answer an examination question, the
student should ask the instructor for clarification.� If this is not possible or practical, the student should state
the apparent deficiency clearly, make a reasonable assumption, and proceed with
the problem.
Students must be on time for the classes.� The deadlines for homework will be strictly
adhered to.
Home Work���������������� 20%
Project������������������������ 25%
Mid-Term�������������������� 25%
Final��������������������������� 30%
Text Books
1. Jack R. Meredith & Samuel J. Mantel Jr., Project
Management, A Managerial Approach, 4th Edition, 2000,John Wiley.
ISBN 0-471-29829-8
2. Introduction to Satellite Communication, Second Edition,
1999, Bruce R. Elbert, Artech House, ISBN 0-89006-961-1
TCOM 521 Spring
DATE������������� CLASS����������������������� TOPICS
1/23���������������� 1��������� Project
1/30���������������� 2��������� Project
Management -2���������������������������������
2/06���������������� 3��������� Project
2/13���������������� 4��������� Satellite
Background & Tools-I����������������������
2/20���������������� 5��������� Satellite
Background & Tools-II����������������������������������
2/27���������������� 6��������� Satellite
Background & Tools-III
����������������������� �����������
3/6������������������ 7��������� Mid-term
3/13���������������� 8��������� Case
Studies-1 & Project Teams�����������������
3/20���������������� 9��������� Case
Studies-2 & Team Work
3/27���������������� 10������� System
Planning & Team Work
4/3������������������ 11������� Spacecraft
Procurement & Team Work�������������������������������
4/10���������������� 12������� Ground
Segment Procurement & Team Work
4/17���������������� 13������� Class
4/24���������������� 14������� Final
5/01���������������� 15������� Class