SYST 520 � System Design and Integration

Spring 2002



Dr. Phil Barry

Work Phone:

(703) 883-7826


(703) 833-6435


[email protected];[email protected]


GMU:Science and Technology II

Mailbox Location:Science & Technology 2, Room 111

Office Hours:

By appointment


Danyi Wang


[email protected]

Course Description:

Life cycle of systems is addressed; generation and analysis of life cycle requirements; development of functional, physical, and operational architectures for the allocation and derivation of component-level requirements for the purpose of specification production; examination of interfaces and development of interface architectures. Software tools are introduced and used for portions of the systems engineering cycle.�This class is hands-on.�

Course Hours:


Thursday7:20 pm� 10:00 pm

Enterprise 178


1)     The Engineering Design of Systems, Dennis Buede, John Wiley and Sons, Inc. 2000, ISBN 0-471-28225-1

2)     UML Distilled Second Edition, Martin Fowler, Addison Wesley Longman, Inc., 2000, ISBN 0-201-65783


5% - Class Participation

10% - homework

30% project


27% - midterm

28% - final



Class Website:

Notes will be posted to the website.URL to be provided in class

Late Papers:


Project Guidance

SYST 520 � System Design and Integration

Spring 2002

Due to the large number of students in this section, we are going to break into groups of 3 people.Each group will be responsible for the design of a system of their choice.�� The system designs will use CORE and Rational Rose to provide both a Structured Analysis View as well as an Object Oriented View of the Design.Both software packages will be provided. The project should follow good systems engineering process to include a conceptual description of the system, a requirements statement and analysis as well as the actual design.Actual implementation of the system is not required.

Groups will be responsible for one informal and two formal presentations as well as the final deliverable report.�� Due to the size of the class, each presentation will be short, so the presentations need to be extremely focused.The informal presentation of topics will be approximately 5 minutes.The formal presentation of topics will be 15 minutes.Plan on 12 minutes of content with 3 minutes for questions.Providing the instructor with backup slides is encouraged as appropriate. For the formal presentations, slides will be expected or some viable substitute.Hard copy will be provided to the instructor; student copies are optional.The first presentation will discuss progress to date, discuss issues and indicate projected completion.The final presentation will discuss requirements and how the design meets the requirements, as well as other relevant issues.The final report will present the design, document how the requirements are met by the design as well as provide other relevant information such as a system qualification strategy.



Week 1>

24 January

      Introductions; E-mail List

      Course Overview

      Lecture 1: Overview of Systems Engineering Design

      Form Groups

      In Class Exercise:

      Read Chapts. 1-2 Buede

      Homework: 1.1, 1.2




Week 2>

31 January





Week 3>

31 January


      Lecture 2: Modeling and Process Modeling and Requirements Engineering

      Informal Presentation of Design Topics � 5 minutes / group

      Read Chapts. 3,6 Buede

      Homework: 2.1, 6.1




Week 4>

7 February

      Lecture 3: Functional Architecture Development

      In Class Exercise:

      Read Chapt. 7 Buede

      Homework: 7.2I




Week 5>

14 February

      Lecture 4: Physical Architecture Development

      In Class Exercise:

      Read Chapt. 8 Buede

      Homework: 8.3




Week 6>

21 February

      Lecture 5: Operational Architectures

      In Class Exercise:

      Read Chapt 9 Buede

      Homework: 9.1 i,ii,iii




Week 7>

28 February

      Lecture 6: Decision Analysis for Design

      In Class Exercise:

      Read Chapt 13 Buede

      Homework: 13.2




Week 8>

7 March

      Lecture 7:Introduction to Object Oriented Modeling

      In Class Exercise

      Read Chapts. 1-2 Fowler

      Homework as assigned




Week 9>

14 March

      Spring Break:No Class




Week 10>

21 March

      Project Reviews

      Project Status Reports Due




Week 11>

28 March

      First Exam




Week 12>

4 April

      Lecture 8:Use Cases and Class Diagrams In Class Exercise

      Read Chapts. 3-4 Fowler

      Homework as assigned





Week 13>

11 April

      Exam Review:

      Lecture 9: Interaction Diagrams, Packages and Collaborations, State Diagrams

      In Class Exercise

      Read Chapts. 5, 7, 8 Fowler

      Homework as assigned




Week 14>

18 April

      Lecture 10: Activity Diagrams and Physical Diagrams

      In Class Exercise

      Read Chapts. 9,10 Fowler

      Homework as assigned




Week 15>

25 April

      Lecture 11:Integration and Qualification

      In Class Exercise

      Read Chapt. 11 Buede

      In Class Exercise




Week 16>

2 May

      Final Projects Due

      Final Project Briefs




Week 17>

9 May

      Semester Final Exam