SYST 202:Continuous Dynamic Systems Modeling

Spring 2002


Course Overview


John Shortle

Systems Engineering and Operations Research

George Mason University


In engineering, it is important to predict the behavior of systems that change in time.Such systems are called dynamical systems.This course teaches students to model a large class of physical systems and to solve these systems both analytically and numerically.This course is a follow on to SYST 201; here, the focus is on continuous time systems.A supplemental one unit course, SYST 203, teaches students to solve dynamical systems numerically using a computer.


Class Hours: Tuesday and Thursday, 3 pm � 4:15 pm, Robinson B 220


Pre-requisites: SYST 201

Co-requisites:MATH 203 (matrix algebra)

MATH 214 (differential equations)

PHYS 260 (Physics II)


Instructor: ������� John Shortle

����������������������� [email protected]

����������������������� 703-993-3571

����������������������� Science & Tech II, room 313

����������������������� Office hours: ��� Tue / Thu 1:30 pm � 3 pm


Textbook:��������� C. Close and D. Frederick, Modeling and Analysis of Dynamic Systems, 3rd Ed.John Wiley & Sons, 2002.


Course Syllabus


1.       Introduction � modeling, classification of systems, applications, systems engineering

2.       Systems Modeling � physical elements, interconnection lawas, building models

  1. Translational Mechanical Systems
  2. Rotational Mechanical Systems
  3. Electrical Systems

3.      Systems Analysis

  1. Standard Forms � state variables, input-output equations, matrix formulation.
  2. Block diagrams � using blocks to solve modeling equations, dynamic systems
  3. Solutions using Laplace transforms � definition, properties, inversion, solving systems.
  4. Transfer functions �zero-input response, zero-state response, frequency response.
  5. Feedback modeling


Student Evaluation Criteria


10 homework assignments


Group project


Midterm 1


Midterm 2


Final exam




SYST 202

Schedule for Spring 2002


Tue. Jan. 22

Chapter 1


Thu. Jan. 24

Chapter 2


Tue. Jan. 29

Chapter 2


Thu. Jan. 31

Chapter 3

Hmwk #1 due

Tue. Feb. 5

Chapter 3


Thu. Feb. 7

Chapter 4

Hmwk #2 due

Tue. Feb. 12

Chapter 4 / 5


Thu. Feb. 14

Chapter 5

Hmwk #3 due

Tue. Feb. 19

Chapter 5


Thu. Feb. 21


Hmwk #4 due

Tue. Feb. 26

Exam 1: Chap. 1-5


Thu. Feb. 28

Chapter 6


Tue. Mar. 5

Chapter 6


Thu. Mar. 7

Chapter 6

Hmwk #5 due

Tue. Mar. 12

Spring Break


Thu. Mar. 14

Spring Break


Tue. Mar. 19

Chapter 6


Thu. Mar. 21

Chapter 7

Hmwk #6 due

Tue. Mar. 26

Chapter 7

Group project midterm reports

Thu. Mar. 28

Chapter 7

Hmwk #7 due

Tue. Apr. 2

Chapter 8


Thu. Apr. 4

Chapter 8

Hmwk #8 due

Tue. Apr. 9



Thu. Apr. 11

Exam 2: Chap. 5-8


Tue. Apr. 16

Chapter 8


Thu. Apr. 18

Chapter 13

Hmwk #9 due

Tue. Apr. 23

Chapter 13


Thu. Apr. 25

Chapter 14

Group projects due

Tue. Apr. 30

Chapter 14


Thu. May 2


Hmwk #10 due

Tue. May 14

Final Exam,

1:30 pm � 4:15 pm