SEOR Qualifying Exams
• OR 541 Operations Research: Deterministic Models
Reading List:
W.L. Winston, Operations Research, Applications and Algorithms (4th edition), Cengage (2004); ch. 3-9, 11
open book (no e-book), open notes, no computer, no calculator
• OR 542 Operations Research: Stochastic Models
Reading List:
W.L. Winston, Operations Research, Applications and Algorithms (4th edition), Cengage (2004); ch. 16, 17, 20
open book (no e-book), open notes, no computer, calculator allowed
• SYST 505 Systems Engineering Principles
Reading List:
Sanford Friedenthal, Alan Moore and Rick Steiner, A Practical Guide to SysML: The Systems Modeling Language (3rd edition), MK/OMG Press (2014)
**SE Principles Lecture (SEOR PhD students who are preparing for the SYST 505 qualifying exam may request a copy of these notes by emailing [email protected])
closed book, closed notes, no computer, calculator allowed
• SYST 520 System Engineering Design
Reading List:
SYST 520 Course Notes (SEOR PhD students who are preparing for the SYST 520 qualifying exam may request a copy of these notes by emailing [email protected])
Collateral reading:
1) Any textbook on the basics of the Unified Modeling Language
2) Dennis M. Buede, The Engineering Design of Systems, (2nd or 3rd edition), Wiley (2009, 2016)
3) Sanford Friedenthal, Alan Moore, Rick Steiner, A Practical Guide to SysML: The Systems Modeling Language, (3rd edition), MK/OMG Press (2014)
**About 50% of the exam is based on object oriented analysis and design; 35% on structured analysis and design, and 15% on a mixture of structured and object oriented topics.
Closed books, closed notes, no computer, no calculator